An Annoying Itch

11 November 2008 During the week Aaron had complained the rash on his body was frequently itchy and more often than not the patches seem raised and inflamed. On Wednesday, while looking for something in the medical dictionary on my desk at work, I noticed a photo of a skin condition that looked very similar to Aaron’s. I googled it and came to the conclusion that Aaron actually suffers from a specific type of eczema. It seemed the best solution was to ensure Aaron avoided chemicals and detergents. Aaron is now using products specifically designed for people with eczema. Plus we’re going to up his omega 3 intake and he needs to moisturise to keep his skin hydrated. It’s not a huge change to his life so if it works it won’t be a lifelong hardship. Friday night Aaron spent the night in Auckland helping to celebrate a family member’s 50th. I would have liked to go as I knew it would be a good evening. However, the drive from Whangarei with a stop to feed animals and walk the dogs was just too much for me to contemplate so Aaron went without me. Our 'To Do' List Gets Longer Saturday arrived and I was up and into it at 6:30. Aaron was home before 10am. Finally we had a weekend with no guests, no travel and good weather. Aaron and I had rewritten our “To Do” list. When we discussed getting ducks a couple of months back I said to Aaron that I wanted to wait until 2009 as we had a lot of projects to finish and more urgent tasks that needed tackling. Aaron reluctantly agreed. Last week he ordered our ducks, informing me we should be getting them in the first week of January. What could I say? After all, I had only specified the year. Rather foolishly I had not bothered to specify a month or season. So now on top of our already huge list of tasks we needed to add to it fencing of the new duck paddock, finish building the dam to create a duck pond, scrubcutting the paddock and building a duck house. We now have a list of 30+ projects to be done by the end of January. There aren’t that many weekends in which to complete all these tasks. I can see it is going to be an extraordinarily busy spring and summer. As always, Aaron’s focus is on the animals and potential cashflow and mine is on increasing property value. We need to focus on both but often I find myself sucked into Aaron’s enthusiasm for the new and exciting. So this weekend I decided we should tackle the tasks we considered more important. Saturday we focused on our usual tasks of cleaning and chipping and compost turning, etc, and in between all that we drove into town to vote. Saturday night we started watching the election news but it was going to be very late before the results came in so I went to bed. Aaron stayed up and watched. On Sunday National were in power and Helen Clark had resigned from Labour. We were happy with the results. Aaron spent the day ramming in fence posts and scrubcutting a line for the fencing and I scrubcut around the driveway entrance and painted the fence with diesel. By the end of the weekend we were both exhausted but happy. More Skin Problems Come Monday I wanted a sleep in but I had already made other plans. Early morning I was in Whangarei visiting the doctor. I have a spot on my forehead that appeared 2 months ago and won’t go away and since accidentally pouring boiling water on my finger about 2 or 3 months ago, I have a finger that has been dry and cracked and frequently splits and bleeds. The end result is the spot is pre-cancerous and needs to be removed. I suspected as much. And I am actually suffering from dermatitis of the hands. This was a surprise, although shouldn’t have been as I have had dermatitis on other parts of my body before. The doctor also told me I have a bacterial infection in my hands and prescribed me antibiotics. I’m not convinced. I suspect what looks like an infection is actually a mixture of dirt and diesel stuck in the creases of my dried and cracked hands. I am very anti antibiotics, so although I picked them up from the chemist I’m hoping I don’t have to use them. So now I have to stop using soap and harsh detergents and regularly moisturise with a dermatitis friendly moisturiser. I went straight from the doctor to the optician. My glasses are constantly falling apart and I need new prescription sunglasses. 2 hours later I was $1100 poorer and wondering how the hell it had happened when I’d picked cheap frames and got a 10% discount. Much to the dogs' relief I was home by lunchtime and they got to spend the rest of the day out of their run. Quite frankly I didn’t feel all that flash. That $1100 was earmarked for other things but now it was gone. Aaron was even less impressed when I told him.

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