Bonjour Mon Ami!

22 January 2009French tourists invaded our home again last weekend. Actually ‘invaded’ is probably not the right word. Filled it with happiness and sunshine is probably a better way of looking at it. Ben and Lily arrived Friday evening, greeted, as with all our guests, by 2 very excited dogs. From the start we hit it off. Both in their 20’s they have only been in NZ a month and are in the process of leaving Northland and heading south. They spent 2 full days and nights with us, wanting to be involved in and help out with everything we do. They cooked us meals did our dishes and helped us build our coolstore. When it came time for them to leave on Sunday I asked them to stay. They thought about it for a couple of hours and agreed. I have not laughed so much in a long time. The great thing with travellers is they’re on a natural high and it’s highly infectious. And so on Monday they asked if they could return this coming weekend for a few hours so they can help us finish building our coolstore. We happily accepted the offer of help and I look forward to seeing them again. This coming weekend we also have a French woman and her 2 daughters staying with us so I suspect the air will be alive with French accents. Gwen, who arrives Friday has already offered to have dinner cooking by the time I get home from work. Of course I immediately asked her if she’d consider moving in permanently. We were supposed to have more French CouchSurfers last weekend but they never turned up. In the end I received an email message to say they’d lost their phone and with it our contact details so were unable to find us. We had Kiwi CouchSurfers due to arrive this week but they failed to commit to a date and time and then about 8pm last night they asked if they could arrive in 3 hours. I said no as politely as I could. They would have arrived while we were in bed and left after we’d gone to work. Aaron was indifferent about the situation but my feeling is we’re voluntary hosts offering free accommodation in exchange for friendship. We’re not a business. In the end there’s only so much I will put myself out for someone. The CouchSurfers were okay about it. Shit happens I guess. We still have an Australian couple and a Welsh couple to host in the next few weeks plus friends and family on 2 weekends. I think maybe that’s all I can handle for now. I don’t like turning people down so hopefully we don’t receive any more Couch Surfing requests for the next couple of months. Mind you, summer will be over by then so maybe requests will dry up.

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