Day 12 - UK

6 April 2011

In the morning, the sun had finally decided to come out and so I hand-washed a large bag of our clothes.

Only one other couple had stayed the night and I found myself wondering where the tourists are. It’s spring, surely there should be tourists?

The owner bumped into me as I was washing clothes and for the next 40 minutes or so he told me about his life. A bit embarrassing when I’m hand wringing my underwear in front of him but what do you do? He was a nice enough man though, even if the cogs of his brain seemed to turn ever so slowly at times.


We’d seen enough castles now, done enough driving through countryside, we both need some exercise so we headed to the coast to Little Haven on the Pembrokeshire coast. A lovely little coastal village, we parked our car and started to walk up around the cliffs. What a beautiful day, what stunning views. My legs felt a little shaky from the lack of exercise but it felt good to be walking.

From there we drove along the coastal roads until we discovered a stunning beach at Newgale. Easy to see why it’s called Newgale. The surf was strong and the Kite Surfers out in force. The beach is very long and really nice sand. Weirdly though, the start of the beach, between road and sand has a band of beautiful, rounded, small, multi-coloured rocks. 

You have to walk over these rocks to get to the sand. It’s like the beach has a 20-metre wide belt. Quite bizarre. And there was a digger there redistricting the rocks. Clearly the tide pushes them back to the road and sometimes over, so the digger pushes them back across the sand. It was an insane waste of resources it seemed to me. Just let the tide do what it wants to and clear the road if you have to is my thought.

From Newgale we drove along the coast as much as possible, through Fishguard and up to Cardigan. From there we found a little country lane in Llandygwydd with a pullover, come gravel dump. We parked there for the night.

After dinner I needed a quick pee and the only privacy was in the paddock across the road behind a stone wall. We’d barely seen a car for the previous 2 hours and I had no idea where the farmhouse was located so no worries. Until I had my pants around my ankles that is and suddenly I heard a tractor pull up to the gate from the roadside. Oh my god!

My pants were up in a shot and I ran in a crouch along the paddock fence line until I found a piece of the barbed-wire fence partially collapsed and grabbed it and leapt over into the side of a nettle and blackberry covered stone wall. As I heard the tractor turn I crawled over the wall, only to discover the tractor was turning into the paddock on the opposite side of the road! I went back to the van remarkably unscathed except for a bit of nettle rash on the ankles and legs shaking like jelly.

The rest of the night was extremely quiet and I slept well.

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