Day 26 - UK Trip

20 April 2011

Today was our lazy day. We cleaned the van inside and out, packed our bags and did all our washing.

It reached 24 today and we didn’t see a cloud all day.

Aaron spent a lot of the day playing basketball with Reece. Connor and Nathan spent a lot of the day out with friends.

Some time in the afternoon we went up the road to Marchwood Village pool club as they have WiFi. We bought a couple of drinks each but their connection had crashed and didn’t come back up again. Seriously, this free WiFi gig here in the UK is proving to be pretty bloody expensive!

Late afternoon Aaron and I went for a long walk into the New Forest. We weren’t anywhere near the ponies unfortunately. Aaron didn’t want to drive, which was fair enough so we just made do.

While we were walking we got a phone call from Lyndsey to let us know someone had found our wallet at the pool club. Unbelievably we'd left it behind and someone had found it and figured out it must have belonged to Lindsey’s friends.  Lindsey went and picked it up and when we caught up with her a couple of hours later she had the wallet and it wasn’t missing a single penny! We were so relieved. I dread to think how we would have coped without that money.

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